About the company

multiJOB Agency co-creates the job-placement market by recruiting Polish citizens for work abroad in accordance with the Polish law and binding regulations of the destination country. Both Holland and Belgium, as well as many other European Union countries require the possession of additional citizenship of the so called 'old' union in order to take up a legal job within their territories.
This is conditioned on the transitory period, whose length is decided upon by each country independently. Countries such as England, Ireland, Denmark and Sweden did not introduce transitory periods, which means that people with only Polish citizenship may take up work in them.

Regardless of the country in which you decide to start work, employment agencies such as multiJOB give you a guarantee of legal work in reliable companies.

In our practice we follow the rule of optimal adjustment of an employee's individual potential to the capacity of the job performed. Many years of experience allow us to understand our Client and to customize our services to them. Simultaneously our thorough familiarity with offers and character of work provides You a guarantee of taking up a job most suitable for Your preferences and abilities.

Our main principle is engagement: both in the relation with people offering and with people searching for a job. We aim to be creative in searching and establishing new ways of cooperation with our Clients. We trust our experience shall enhance Your professional and financial success.